
August 25th, 1744

Dear Walter,

Congratulations on your imminent nuptials! What is it you fear may be wrong? If it is what the hastiness of this decision implies, worry not; marry the girl quickly and no one will be the wiser. Children often come early. Please send me the details of the wedding plans.

I am writing you from my room at the Setanta House Hotel in County Kildare. My role in the trial has ended (a small and unimportant role as it turned out; my only purpose was to assert that McGovern was in Jacmel the night before his death) but I have decided to stay on awhile. I am enjoying the mild Irish August. I am also enjoying the company of a young lady, scarcely nineteen, named Brigid after the fair saint of this region. She does not seem to mind my company and I certainly enjoy hers. However we shall soon part ways: I must reunite with the crew of the Hannu in Italy. 

All the best,
Capt. Bosworth

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